Monday, February 28, 2011

Negative Word Associations and - Conscious
1.aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2.fully aware of or sensitive to something (often followed by of ): conscious of one's own faults; He wasn't conscious of the gossip about his past.
3.having the mental faculties fully active: He was conscious during the operation.
4.known to oneself; felt: conscious guilt.
5.aware of what one is doing: a conscious liar.
6.aware of oneself; self-conscious.
7.deliberate; intentional: a conscious insult; a conscious effort.
8.acutely aware of or concerned about: money-conscious; a diet-conscious society.
9.Obsolete . inwardly sensible of wrongdoing.  (Obsolete!?! )

compared to
1.a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts. See Synonyms at aware.
b. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake: The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.
2. Capable of thought, will, or perception: the development of conscious life on the planet.
3. Subjectively known or felt: conscious remorse.
4. Intentionally conceived or done; deliberate: a conscious insult; made a conscious effort to speak more clearly.
5. Inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful: was increasingly conscious of being watched.
6. Especially aware of or preoccupied with. Often used in combination: a cost-conscious approach to further development; a health-conscious diet.
In psychoanalysis, the component of waking awareness perceptible by a person at any given instant; consciousness.
1.a.  alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose
b.  aware of one's surroundings, one's own thoughts and motivations, etc.
2.a.  aware of and giving value or emphasis to a particular fact or phenomenon I am conscious of your great kindness to me
b.  (in combination) clothes-conscious
3. done with full awareness; deliberate a conscious effort conscious rudeness
4. (Psychology)
a.  denoting or relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity and that to a certain extent determines his choices of action
b.  (as noun) the conscious is only a small part of the mind Compare unconscious
[from Latin conscius sharing knowledge, from com- with + scīre to know]
consciously  adv
consciousness  n
Compare the mount of positive uses of the later (associations) with that of

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