Saturday, March 28, 2015

Who is in Control?

What is the greatest possibility of man, how high can he evolve or transform?

As far as man is concerned, no matter how hard he tries, he can never be good enough to please God.
Isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
But if a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior by faith, a free gift from God, he can attain to the highest level,"The Righteouness of God"
2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the Righteousness of God.
After becoming this "New" person, we can allow the Holy Spirit to "Evolve" us to maturity into the KIngdom of God

Thoughts on this..
God tells us he made us, is in total control of everything, knows us, loves us, and we are all loved and equal, yet we are all unclean and sinners and if we allow God's Holy Spirit to  change us ..

It's all just too much. to me it's like mind control, convince a person everything they are is crap, they will let go of whatever they are and with the promise of a new, happy, loved life and being, they will let the promiser (here the biblical god) (and through some spirit - possession)
come in and take over, have their ideas and programs installed and accepted as the way to be

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Symbol - Vine

From Widkipedia
 The grape vine (typically Vitis vinifera) has been used as a symbol since ancient times. In Greek mythology, Dionysus (called Bacchus by the Romans) was god of the vintage and, therefore, a grape vine with bunches of the fruit are among his attributes. His attendants at the Bacchanalian festivals hence had the vine as an attribute, together with the thyrsus, the
latter often entwined with vine branches. For the same reason, the Greek wine cup (cantharos) is commonly decorated with the vine and grapes, wine being drunk as a libation to the god.

In Christian iconography, the vine also frequently appears. It is mentioned several times in the New Testament. We have the parable of the kingdom of heaven likened to the father starting to engage laborers for his vineyard. The vine is used as symbol of Jesus Christ based on his own statement, “I am the vine.” In that sense, a vine is placed as sole symbol on the tomb of Constantia, the sister of Constantine the Great, and elsewhere. In Byzantine art, the vine and grapes figure in early mosaics, and on the throne of Maximianus of Ravenna it is used as a decoration.

The vine as symbol of the chosen people is employed several times in the Old Testament. The vine and wheat ear have been frequently used as symbol of the blood and flesh of Christ, hence figuring as symbols (bread and wine) of the Eucharist and are found depicted on ostensories. Often the symbolic vine laden with grapes is found in ecclesiastical decorations with animals biting at the grapes. At times, the vine is used as symbol of temporal blessing.

Symbolic Celtic Meaning of the Vine

  • Regeneration
  • Continuation
  • Opportunity
  • Connection
  • Expansion
  • Fertility
  • Bounty
This is a powerful metaphor of "going with the flow" or "growing where you are planted." In other words, it is a message that when we observe the best of our environment/situation and stay in a relaxed, flowing state of mind, will likely gain our highest advantage.

Nevertheless, in spite of the philosophical urgings to take things as they may come, the thorns of these vines are symbolic of defending or protecting ourselves when necessary.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Sharks and "Big Brother" Hand in Hand - Research - How Much Do We Need to Know?

"Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state wherein the ruling Party wields total power "for its own sake" over the inhabitants.

In the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", the maxim ubiquitous on display. Howevever, in the nature of doublethink, this phrase is also meant to mean that Big Brother is a benevolent protector of all citizens"
- From Wikipedia

Researchers Tracking Great White Sharks
"The starstruck researchers took blood samples, checked the shark for parasites, implanted an acoustic pinger in its gut, and even performed an ultrasound -- all within 15 minutes and without tranquilisers or anesthetics. The crown jewel of the operation, though, was a state-of-the-art satellite transmitter, drilled and bolted onto the shark's dorsal fin.
Exhausted and newly rigged with an arsenal of technology, the shark -- christened Mary Lee -- slid into the water and swam languidly out of sight."

Transmitters  Electronic Tags Overview
The simplest version of the acoustic transmitter is the ‘pinger’. The ‘pinger’ produces ultrasonic pings that can be heard using a hydrophone (underwater microphone) and receiver. This was the original type of fish tracking tag.
(an entire page of photos and different transmitters)

Fish operate by SONAR! What are these devices that send out pings doing to these poor fish!
How are their systems handling these implants?
How far will man go in the quest for knowledge? How much will be destroyed for a tidbit of information?

What are the rewards?
Looking at the world as it is, does the common man seem to have benefited. Is the world as we would like it today?
Why are we so soothed by glimpses and memories of a simpler, cleaner, and more balanced world, where all being thrived in a sort of holistic dance? Yes we had lions and tigers and bears to fear..At least they could be seen, touched and known. Todays technology defies our senses and comes like thieves in the night.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Magnetic Fields and Earthquakes

Science is confirming that "Earth's Magnetic Field Is Fading " national geographic
I have not verified the information below and would appreciate if another does, or debunks it..
Found on prophecyfilm(dot)com

"With a weakening magnetosphere, more radiation and magnetically-charged plasma from our Sun (or from an approaching planet or star) will greatly influence the core of our Earth (which is magnetic), and that in turn will cause an up-tick of major earthquakes....see the correlation of great Earthquakes and Magnetic Field anomalies"
This is how Earth's Magnetic Field normally looks like on a calm day.
The magnetic field one day before the Chile earthquake (2010)
The magnetic field one day before Sumatra earthquake (2004)
The magnetic field on the days of the Padang and Samoa earthquakes (2009)
The magnetic field on the day of the devastating Haiti earthquake (2010) 
This posting comes from Phrophecy Film...I welcome any verification or debunking of this information!


What if the internet technology belonged to only a few

A thought...
the solar flares may nock out the public electronic infrastructure.
the governments have been working frantically to build an underground infrastructure to survive any calamities....
This news article below sparked within me the thought that if the main electronic grid is knocked out, including all communication structures, the protected governemnts would still have an underground working network.
Once things settled, they could repair or rebuild that damaged above ground...

Here is the article...something we expect..yet what is the deeper implications

CHINA'S new communist leaders are increasing already tight controls on Internet use and electronic publishing following a spate of embarrassing online reports about official abuses.
The measures suggest China's new leader, Xi Jinping, and others who took power in November share their predecessors' anxiety about the internet's potential to spread opposition to one-party rule and their insistence on controlling information despite promises of more economic reforms.
"They are still very paranoid about the potentially destabilising effect of the Internet," said Willy Lam, a politics specialist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
"They are on the point of losing a monopoly on information, but they still are very eager to control the dissemination of views."

New Years Stampede Update

In celebration of "the changeover" to the new year.
Angola stadium
Technological Disaster – Angola, Capital City, Luanda [Cidadela Sports stadium] : Ten dead and 120 injured in a stampede at the “Changeover Vigil”
Event date: 01.01.2013 16:16:27
Country: Angola
State: Capital City
Location:Luanda [Cidadela Sports stadium]

One dead, 13 injured in Kanpur temple stampede

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) — Authorities say at least 61 people were killed early Tuesday in a stampede following a New Year’s fireworks display in Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s commercial center. State radio and a fire department rescue worker, who refused to give his name, estimated that an additional 200 people were injured in the Plateau district of Abidjan at about 4 a.m.