Monday, February 28, 2011

The Agenda - Columbus & Indigenous People

there was an all out agenda, that when you come across indigenous people, you annihilate them.

Columbus was sent on his expedition along with agents of the crown, to disrupt the lives of the natives and seize mineral resources to disrupt the lives of the natives and seize mineral resources. He visited every island in the Caribbean, depleting the gold and taking as many slaves of the native Tano tribe as possible.

5 Million natives were murdered within 3 years according to Leah Trabich.Within 15 years, the Arawak tribe of 250,000 was completely wiped out. The population of the United States prior to European contact was greater than 12 million. Four centuries later, the count was reduced by 95% to 237 thousand.over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines.

Who in future generations will believe this?
59:29 - 1:00:26 Kymatica

Compassion, Benevolence, Kindness, Altruism

1.a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Compassion in it's very definition implies misfortune, even pity in some definitions.I honor the beauty and power of this word, the action stirred by it's very definition..
This post comes, as in this world, feelings of goodness, of generosity, joy, belief in a good future are needed more than ever.
There are so many other words, benevolence, kindness, kind-heartedness, tender-heartedness, generosity, magnanimity, goodness,  beneficence, philanthropy, altruism  for example that that bring in a persons body, mind and energy field the positive feelings that radiate around them a frequency which in itself heals...
Compassion, sympathy, even charity have inherently with them the pain and suffering of another, which alters the frequency of the thoughts.
Main Entry: compassion
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: tender feeling
Synonyms: benevolence, charity, clemency, commiseration, compunction, condolence, consideration, empathy, fellow feeling, grace, heart, humaneness, humanity, kindness, lenity, mercy, softheartedness, softness, sorrow, sympathy, tenderheartedness, tenderness, yearning 
see also "Related Words" at I chose not to publish here as some were so negative.

Negative Word Associations and - Conscious
1.aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2.fully aware of or sensitive to something (often followed by of ): conscious of one's own faults; He wasn't conscious of the gossip about his past.
3.having the mental faculties fully active: He was conscious during the operation.
4.known to oneself; felt: conscious guilt.
5.aware of what one is doing: a conscious liar.
6.aware of oneself; self-conscious.
7.deliberate; intentional: a conscious insult; a conscious effort.
8.acutely aware of or concerned about: money-conscious; a diet-conscious society.
9.Obsolete . inwardly sensible of wrongdoing.  (Obsolete!?! )

compared to
1.a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts. See Synonyms at aware.
b. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake: The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.
2. Capable of thought, will, or perception: the development of conscious life on the planet.
3. Subjectively known or felt: conscious remorse.
4. Intentionally conceived or done; deliberate: a conscious insult; made a conscious effort to speak more clearly.
5. Inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful: was increasingly conscious of being watched.
6. Especially aware of or preoccupied with. Often used in combination: a cost-conscious approach to further development; a health-conscious diet.
In psychoanalysis, the component of waking awareness perceptible by a person at any given instant; consciousness.
1.a.  alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose
b.  aware of one's surroundings, one's own thoughts and motivations, etc.
2.a.  aware of and giving value or emphasis to a particular fact or phenomenon I am conscious of your great kindness to me
b.  (in combination) clothes-conscious
3. done with full awareness; deliberate a conscious effort conscious rudeness
4. (Psychology)
a.  denoting or relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity and that to a certain extent determines his choices of action
b.  (as noun) the conscious is only a small part of the mind Compare unconscious
[from Latin conscius sharing knowledge, from com- with + scīre to know]
consciously  adv
consciousness  n
Compare the mount of positive uses of the later (associations) with that of

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Whole Foods - Whole Planet Foundation and Microloans

"Join the 2011 Annual Prosperity Campaign and empower 70,000 people with a microcredit loan and the opportunity to change their own lives. "

"Debt is the weapon use to conquer and enslave societies, and interest is it's prime ammunition."
Zeitgeist: Addendum

Your donation goes not directly to the "Microentrepreneur", but to a bank which then gives loans to these 70,000 people putting them into debt and profiting the "Microfinanance Institution"!

Driectly from the Whole Plantet Foudation Website:
:Ways to Give
"... any donated resources would be directed to our microlending programs run by one of our implementing partners. "

From the glossary of terms page: Glossary
See Microentrepreneur
Implementing Partner
Implementing Partners are usually Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) that receive grants from Whole Planet Foundation to establish and run micro lending programs. In some cases, Whole Planet Foundation funds or contributes to the loan pool of an existing MFI.
Person who owns a small-scale business known as a microenterprise.
Refers to loans, savings, insurance, transfer services and other financial products targeted at low-income clients.
Microfinance Institution (MFI)
A financial institution - can be a nonprofit organization, regulated financial institution or commercial bank - that provides microfinance products and services to low-income clients.
From the keymetrics page: Keymetrics
$15,592,862 in grants given not to the microentrepreneurs, but to the businesses which lend money to the microentrepreneurs

WFM (Whole Foods Market) 2010 Prosperity Campaign Revenue by WFM Operating Region - $2,263,381 as of May 1st, 2010

Forbes magazine said that "microfinance has become a buzzword of the decade, raising the provocative notion that even philanthropy aimed at alleviating poverty can be profitable to institutional and individual investors."


Word Associations & the Subconscious Mind - - Create

Note the association of confusion and revolution with "ask for a raise"
Create be the cause or occasion of; give rise to: The announcement created confusion. cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design: to create a revolution; to create an opportunity to ask for a raise.

"computer Overloards"

"I for one welcome our new computer overlords"

This statement, from Ken Jennings, Final Jeapordy contestant beat by the computer "Watson"...

Machines first out-calculated us in simple math. Then they replaced us on the assembly lines, explored places we couldn't get to, even beat our champions at chess. Now a computer called Watson has bested our best at "Jeopardy!"
A gigantic computer created by IBM specifically to excel at answers-and-questions left two champs of the TV game show in its silicon dust after a three-day tournament, a feat that experts call a technological breakthrough.
Watson earned $77,147, versus $24,000 for Ken Jennings and $21,600 for Brad Rutter. Jennings took it in stride writing "I for one welcome our new computer overlords" alongside his correct Final Jeopardy answer.
The next step for the IBM machine and its programmers: taking its mastery of the arcane and applying it to help doctors plow through blizzards of medical information. Watson could also help make Internet searches far more like a conversation than the hit-or-miss things they are now.
Watson's victory leads to the question: What can we measly humans do that amazing machines cannot do or will never do?
The answer, like all of "Jeopardy!," comes in the form of a question: Who — not what — dreamed up Watson? While computers can calculate and construct, they cannot decide to create. So far, only humans can.
"The way to think about this is: Can Watson decide to create Watson?" said Pradeep Khosla, dean of engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "We are far from there. Our ability to create is what allows us to discover and create new knowledge and technology."...
(end of quote)

"Can Watson decide to create Watson?"

If Watson is programed to, Watson can, given the tools and functionality to do so.. If Watson is stationary..yet tied to a global communications network, he can find all of his components and have them sent to factories into which he is also connected.  In this way he can direct his own assembly. He can make improvements as he see's fit, thus "creating" a new being. Self improvement and replication, any goal(or program) can easily be integrated into a computer. Is this not a definition of creativity...

To create: from cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
2. to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
6. to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design:

How much differently do our own minds work than those programs that run machines?

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Gate of Saturn - as Symbolized in Harry Potter

The Gate of Saturn

The Gate of Saturn

The Gate of Saturn is symbolised in Harry Potter by the archway with the veil in the Department of Mysteries. Anyone who passes through this gate enters the world of the dead. It is called the Gate of Saturn because the Roman god of that name was the god of the harvest - the harvest at the end of life. This is why he is often depicted holding a scythe and an hourglass. He is often referred to as The Grim Reaper.
Every mortal human being passes through the Gate of Saturn at the end of every incarnation. The harvest of his life is gathered into the storehouse of the microcosm as the personality dies. The microcosm then prepares for a new incarnation, ready to pour the harvest into a new personality about to be born.
However the whole purpose of life on earth is to learn to go through the Gate of Saturn for the last time. This is what Harry Potter is really about. By going the Path of Alchemical Liberation a seeker can make the Philosopher's Stone. In Part 7 Harry will achieve the ultimate triumph: he will symbolically obtain the Philosopher's Stone, with which he can make the Gold of the Spirit and the Elixir of Life. With this, Harry will be able to pass through the Gate of Saturn for the last time, and then return, showing that he has been able to triumph over death.

Interpretatons of Words of the Masters and the Religious Institutions that Follow

...When a Master of Compassion such as Jesus, Gautama the Buddha or Lao Tzu brings the Light into the world, a group of people forms around him and puts the Word of the Master into practice....These people enter liberation with the Master.

However there is always a group of people that stay behind, nursing the Word which they have not put into practice, but which they take literally.The Master has given them the teachings of liberation, but through its inability to understand their real meaning, this left over group uses a literal interpretation to form an earthbound church. It nails the symbolic story of the resurrection of the Inner God to the calendar, saying this really happened historically. Thus the new church uses the story of liberation to imprison humanity. Such a church gradually splits into pieces because of internal disagreements, and very soon there are hundreds of churches, denominations and sects. These groups have etheric and astral force fields which extract spiritual energy (especially etheric energy) from their worshipers. This human energy is used to increase the power of the force fields and also to enable the leaders who have died to stay in their force field without having to return to earth in the process of reincarnation.
From Symbolism in Harry Potter

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Symbolism - Wheat Stalk

The entire power is found enclosed within the seed that is symbolized in the wheat stalk.

Kabbalah and Structuring the Framework of Perception and Action

Above-consciousness1 Keter-"Crown"
Conscious intellect2 Chokhmah-"Wisdom"
The spiritual aptitude to draw the seminal thought from subconscious
2.5 Da'at (knowledge) 
The spiritual aptitude to draw Emotion into the flow of Mind
Integration of chokhmah with Binah is the work of the Sefira of Da'at, the third sefira and the cone that completes the triad of Mind sefirot
3 Binah-"Understanding"(Primary emotions:)
The spiritual aptitude for developing the thought source into a cogent thought flow.  The function of Bina is to take the creative spark of reinterpretation (Chokhmah) and redirect it into a new way of thinking
Conscious emotions4 Chesed-"Kindness"
5 Gevurah-"Severity, Strength, Heroism"
6 Tiferet-"Beauty, Mercy & Compassion"(Secondary emotions:)
quality of mercy and compassion that blends spiritual Emotion of giving Chesed with  the attribute of restraint Gevurah

7 Netzach-"Eternity, Permanence, Victory" (the world of the mind)
 Spiritual attribute of reaching out to another and entering into a relationship
8 Hod-"Splendor, Glory, Echo" (the world of emotions)
spiritual attribute of empathy and providing comfort
9 Yesod-"Foundation"(Vessel to bring action:)
Connecting point between the inner mind-emotions and their ultimate expression through the Sefira of Malkuth
spiritual attribute of determination and dedication
 10 Malkuth-"Kingship"
The end, the lowest but malchut becomes Keter, the highest level of the
From Wikipedia and  Practical Kabbalah: A Guide to Jewish Wisdom for Everyday Life By Laibl Wolf

Elokim (Elohim)  - the name of G-d that is associated with the divine attribute of self-containment within nature and within the corporeal world

Ways of Framing the consciousness

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kaballah - Bridging the worlds of Life and Death

Central to the Mystery Religions is Kaballah, or Cabala, as in a cabal. Freemasonry is Kabbalism. It is the recipe book for invoking demons, talking to the dead, animating dead matter and becoming a living God. It says that God is everywhere yet unconscious filtering through emanations called Sepheroth. The Sepherotic tree of Life describes God's descent from the divine to the material and man's ascent from the material to the divine. Each sepheroth is a level of attainment towards mastery and has a corresponding energy center in the body, what the Hindus call a chakra. Each sepheroth is divided in four sections or 'worlds'. They are emanation, creation, formation and action. ascend the Tree of Life to Godhood. The purest, highest state is called Israel. 

A homunculus is a creature formed of clay, placed in a sealed container with a variety of ingredients and made animate by alchemical means. 

Association Patterns, Words, Beliefs

"Through the eye of a Needle"

What phrase almost immediately comes to mind for most?

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24. Similar verses are in Mark 10:25 and Luke 18:25).

Will the masses insure their fate through poverty?

When taken in context, Jesus is pointing out to a wealthy king that his focus upon money as opposed to a focus on God will make it difficult to get into heaven.
The subconscious reads things literally.

Monday, February 21, 2011

DNA, Transgenetics, Reincarnation

From:  Joseph George Caldwell.
All rights reserved. Posted at Internet web sites and .

"Their objective is to modify human DNA sufficiently that the human body (container, brain) matches their souls better than ours, without causing too great a physical change.

When the DNA of transgenic human offspring is a sufficiently close match to their souls, then it is their souls that have a better chance of reincarnating in the containers than we do.
This situation has been referred to by some writers as the “DNA switch” or “DNA time bomb” that is ready to go off. (The fact that a soul must match a body well is obvious – human beings (hominids) do not reincarnate as dolphins or whales, or vice-versa. A rabbit, to the limited extent that it has a soul, does not reincarnate as a human being, or vice-versa (refer to Eastern / Hindu metaphysics for more on this). Newton discusses the concept of “soul groups” at length.)"

Dodge Ram Symbolism

Here is one that I have always wondered at... Knowing instinctively there was further meaning...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

December 25th, Christianity and Mythology

On Uses of DNA in technology

From Edgar Online:
We have proprietary DNA security technology, and develop security solutions that protect corporate and intellectual property from counterfeiting, fraud, piracy and product diversion using botanical DNA as an encrypted/code molecule that can be embedded in inks, paper, substrates, liquids, textiles, thread, plastics, holograms and microchips.
We produce security solutions customized to our customer's needs. We market and sell DNA anti-counterfeit and fraud prevention solutions that integrate into, and layer with, existing security solutions. These DNA security features are integrated at the original equipment manufacturer level with ink, paper, liquids, thread and hologram producers, who in turn sell/supply finished security products such as primary and secondary product packaging for pharmaceuticals, beauty products, textiles, currency, passports, ID cards, etc. We have strict protocols for specifying, integrating, testing, shipping and confirming the presence of DNA in any given product. We believe that we use highly reputable outside labs to provide independent third party validation testing to assure maximum quality control, objectivity and strict security procedures in handling and shipping. The outside lab we use for the validation testing is the Idaho National Laboratory, a part of the U.S. National Laboratory System. No compromise can enter the security chain of our product(s).
We plan to develop new product lines that will address specific new challenges in the security marketplace, and bring these advances to target industries, customers and countries.
Developing Technology - We plan to acquire all rights, title and interest in all patents, patents pending, developing, DNA anti-counterfeit, and fraud prevention technologies created by Biowell. We also have an in-depth understanding of DNA microchip design and applications. We will jointly develop DNA-holograms and DNA-Hologram-RFID devices, DNA-inks, DNA-dyes and DNA-security labels with leading OEM's in these specialist fields.
Strong Technology Alliances - Our technology can also provide advanced security dimensions to:
o Electronics security: access and physical/plant security (biometric security cards enhanced with DNA)
o Security Holograms (DNA enhanced)
o Radio Frequency Identification systems (DNA + RFID)
o Security papers and printing o Holograms (DNA holograms)
o Other security-related products and systems

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Power of Words - Hope

Another Post Inspired by Jonathan...

"They "hope " that they're gonna meet somebody.  So, of course, they have a belief that they will not,Otherwise, what are they "hoping" for?"

As  the Holidays just passed, and "Hope" is seen all over in decorations during this time, I wanted to look up the definition.
  1.  the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best:
  2. a particular instance of this feeling:
  3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance:
  4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered:
  5. something that is hoped for:
  6. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
  7. to believe, desire, or trust:
  8. to feel that something desired may happen:
  9.  Archaic . to place trust; rely (usually followed by in )"
Two things Really surprised me!
For one, I took out the sentences they used with each definition (click here to go the page) because they were almost all sentences using hope in a negative way! As in no hope, literally!

the second thing was the difference between "Hope" and "expect".  With expect, doubt is virtually non-existent.  With Hope, doubt is most definitely a factor.

verb (used with object)
  1. to look forward to; regard as likely to happen; anticipate the occurrence or the coming of: I expect to read it. I expect him later. She expects that they will come.
  2. to look for with reason or justification: We expect obedience.
  3. Informal . to suppose or surmise; guess...

to look for with reason or justification: We expect obedience. (Why this phrase!)
My mind is reeling a bit!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Way to Avoid Subliminal Programming while Web Surfing

...A partial solution!
In the options (on Firefox it is under tools, options, the content tab - un-check the box that says "load images automatically)

Below are some of the videos on subliminal programming in the media...
These talk of how Subliminal Advertising is geared towards our primary needs and instincts such as Safety, Satiation & Sex.
(the sound is unnecessary if you prefer it off)

These videos focus on  the sex that is advertised.

This clip (pointed out by Jonathan) illustrates the deeper issues

and a link to the movie on youtube

Subliminals or Thought Manipulation in Uplifting Messages and Books

I find "programming" everywhere...
Even in the most beautiful and uplifting of books,

A part of me says, this is another dimensional realm attempting to bridge the gap so that ...That would be another post in and of itself...
Co-existence, many dimensional races and beings calling this planet home may be part of issue...
This line from the Telos books is one such message that makes me wonder...

"You are preparing your hearts as sacred ground where multitudes will soon walk"...

(I think of how much of the mystery schools prepare the initiates to become vessels for other dimensional beings to inhabit)

These books truly have such powerful messages, offer so much, and embrace a way of life that holds such beauty, richness and love.

It is the wording and many of the ideas...One such is example of the wording is..
." you are able to...But only if..."
to me, firstly, the "But" negates the "you are able to" . Secondly, the "only if"  places limits on how what you desire can be reached...

I post this only to help open perception to what is true for each individual, and to stimulate perception of meanings behind that which we see, hear, read, sense.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thoughts on reality

Although this is a reality, it is only communication, passing ideas, passing energy.   In this it is information functioning at that moment, nothing more..

It is only as real as the moment it is in.

Self-hood and the Greater Whole

What is the change we need most in our shared evolutionary stream, and how can we accomplish it?...
The change to evolve into a form of self-hood that encompasses a unique individual focus within a shared greater reality.
 - pg 37 "The Book of Theanna